Dont show indifference, contempt, or criticize Him, especially for his thoughts, ideas or achievements. Let Him take control and be the Master and Man. Dont try to manipulate Him or change Him in any way. How to be a good Domestic Discipline slave: Here are some rules to live by, changed slightly from the original 1955 article which i have re-written to reflect the needs of a healthy Master/slave relationship. This slave feels if you put enough love into what you’re doing then nothing is too much to make your Master / Man happy. A good friend who i sent the article to did not agree with some of the items because she said women today face more pressure and responsibility than women from 1955. In researching ways to be a better slave and partner to my Master i have, on numerous occasions, come across a very interesting article about the role of a woman as stated by a high school home economics book from 1955.